
Join us every Sunday morning for a service from 10:00 - 11:00

Home Group

A group of around 10 to 15 adults meet every Wednesday in a home for fellowship, Bible study and prayer. For more details, see the contacts list to phone or email.

Leadership Team

Mark and Heidi White

Men's Ministry

Men’s breakfasts are held once a month for 11 months of the year. The men share a WhatsApp group for prayer support and encouragement.

Women's Ministry

Special women’s events are planned very year. Some include participation with other churches in the area.


An Alpha Course is planned for 2016. The details will be finalised early in the New Year.

Prayer in Schools

Mark and Caren are involved with prayer groups at Greenfield Girls’ and Hershel Schools.

Prayer in business environments

We encourage those in business to launch prayer meetings and MVC is happy to be involved in initiating and supporting such initiatives.

Hospital Outreach

We have a prayer network and are also happy to minister to any who are ill or in hospital.

Special Events

The Marriage Course (Alpha) is held annually in a home.